Evaluation Process

For most claimants and/or law firms, the world of third-party litigation finance is new. Accordingly, we encourage claimants and/or law firms to educate themselves on third-party litigation finance through our website and the increasing body of resources available to the public on our field. While we do not provide legal advice to claimants and/or law firms, we hope to equip applicants with sufficient information so they can make educated decisions on how best to finance litigation.

1624 is devoted to the pursuit of meritorious claims; that is, claims with strong legal merits and monetary value supported by clear evidence. In choosing our investments, we look to provide access to justice in cases where a party was unmistakably aggrieved.

We understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality, work product and/or privilege protections afforded to a claimant under law. As such, although we cannot guarantee protection, 1624 enters into agreements designed to protect privacy with law firms and/or claimants immediately upon entering into discussions and before the transfer of any documentation.

As part of 1624 due diligence protocol, we will often ask for information and copies of key documents, including pleadings and attorney analyses of legal issues. We may meet with the attorney(s) of record and experts the party intends to employ.

At the successful completion of the due diligence process, we enter into a funding agreement outlining the terms of an arrangement. No two funding arrangements are identical and each funding agreement is custom-designed to cater to the needs of the individual situation.

Contact us at info@1624capital.com to begin the application process.

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